Last month, I was offered a new position with my company. With it came a schedule change.
I was set to work from 9-5. I was ecstatic. I get to sleep in! Ha! I was oh so very wrong. My dear sweet husband reminded me that I would be commuting at the same time as a majority of L.A. No biggie, right? I'll just take surface streets.
A month later, it takes me 1 hr. 45 min. to get to work. I've tried different routes, leaving early, and avoiding major freeways. All I am left with is the urge to sit and scream in my car. I now know for a fact that my car has great soundproofing. When I have my daily primal scream, no one in any of the cars adjacent to mine look over. I suspect it's because they are all screaming internally. To add insult to injury, I got reprimanded at work for my tardiness. I would cry, but that would just make me even later for work. There has got to be a solution!
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