The House is Warm and It's Raining Babies

Saturday November 29, 2008


Our busy social calendar continues. Rob and I attended a party at my friend Ivy's house. I met Ivy through this blog and the knot, of course. Ivy was one of the first people to comment regularly on this blog. {Waves "hi" to Ivy} She and her husband Tai are multi-taskers. Not only was it a housewarming party, it was also an baby shower. They just finished the first part of their home renovation and their baby boy is due any day now. I am bad blogger because in my excitement to see their home I forgot to take pictures of it. Let me just say that I'm a sucker for refinished original hardwood floors, open floor plans and bold paint colors for children's bedrooms. It was my favorite kind of party...a party with a huge array of food. My personal chef even contributed a few dishes. The spring rolls were among my faves. {Sorry, Rob} We had a great time, but again didn't stay long because of the nasty cold that I haven't quit gotten rid of.

Here are some pcitures

The new homeowners and proud parents-to-be - Tai and Ivy

Rob's Thai-inspired beef skewers

Rob's Orange-Glazed Chicken Skewers

My contribution to the party - a little flower arranging and favor tags design


2 more coherent thought(s):

Unknown said...

aw schucks! I wasn't there to attend. Hope all is well for baby Ido!

Ivy said...

thanks so much for Rob's and your help! Everything turned out great!

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