Got a little bump

Holy Moley! Got a bit of a shake this morning. There was a 5.4 earthquake about 30 miles from where we live. This is the biggest quake that I've experienced since I moved here in 2003. It was the biggest quake for Dottie as well. Needless to say, we both had no clue what was going on. It was Rob's day off and he happened to be pouring me a cup of coffee when things started. I heard a rumbling sound like a helicopter overhead or a big truck passing. Just as I was about to ask what the noise was, Rob grabbed me and dragged me into the doorway leading to our kitchen. Poor Dottie was startled and started scrambling around the room. I was able to grab a hold of her while the earthquake passed. Our teeny tiny rental house lurched back and forth a few times and it was done. A few things were moved out of place, but thankfully nothing toppled or fell out of place.

I then spent the next couple of hours making the obligatory calls to let people know we were okay and to make sure everyone else was okay. I also watched CNN and other news reports. I hate to admit it, but whenever there's a natural disaster I watch the news with rapt fascination. Seriously, I blame my parents. They are CNN addicts.

To those that we forgot to call, we are A-okay.

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